Media coverage for ‘No Advertising Please’

NAP launch, 11 Oct, Adelaide Pic by Stuart Anderson

NAP launch, 11 Oct, Adelaide
Pic by Stuart Anderson


In the month since first appearing on the 7.30 Report, the No Advertising Please campaign has gained substantial media interest, reaching the shores of the US and UK. (Updates 6 Nov in red)

Below are links to all the TV, radio, print and video news I could find. I have included a couple of ‘double ups’ in major newspapers, but have otherwise ignored syndication and blog mentions. Some of the pharmaceutical media articles require log-in.


The NAP website. Web designer and webmaster David Townsend. Content: Justin Coleman and 24 other NAPsters.


ABC 7.30 Report, Tracy Bowden.


Radio National with Fran Kelly (minutes 26 – 32) Justin Coleman

4BC radio w Michael & Clare, Justin Coleman

 Radio Adelaide 101.5 fm w Angus Randall, Jon Jureidini

Justin Coleman was also interviewed on Sydney 702 ABC, Darwin 105.7 ABC, Sydney 2GB, Sydney 2UE

Jon Jureidini was interviewed on Adelaide 891 ABC


MJA Insight, Ray Moynihan. No to marketing.

BMJ, Amy Coopes. Australian campaign aims to stop visits from drug representatives. BMJ 2014;349:g6183, Justin Coleman. New campaign urges doctors to stop seeing drug reps.

Guardian, Melissa Davey. Australian doctors to ban drug company reps from visiting surgeries.

Sydney Morning Herald, Harriet Alexander. Rebel doctor group calls for ban on drug reps.

Brisbane Times, Harriet Alexander. [Same article as above.]

The Age, Harriet Alexander. How to find out if your doctor is under the thumb of big pharma.

Sydney Morning Herald, Harriet Alexander. [Same article as above.]

The Australian, Michael Ramsey. (AAP) GPs pledge to ban drug company visits.

9 news, AAP. [Same article as above.]

The Daily Telegraph, AAP. [Same article as above. ]

CHF media release, Mark Metherell. Doctors launch campaign to ban pharmaceutical rep visits. 10.10.14

CHF media release, Mark Metherell. Why consumers support doctors on drug rep ban. 13.10.14

Our health, our community (CHF Australia news), Mark Metherell. Doctors call for No Advertising Please.

Medical Observer, Flynn Murphy. ‘No pharma visits’ GPs pledge. (log-in)

Medical Observer, AAP. Banning pharma visits ‘naïve’, AMA says.

Australian Doctor, Paul Smith. Stop seeing drug reps, GPs urged. (log-in)

Australian Doctor, Paul Smith. Video interview w Justin Coleman

6 minutes, Amanda Davey. Uproar as doctors call for drug-rep sin bin

Wall Street Journal, Ed Silverman. Some docs down under campaign to ban pharma sales reps

The Conversation, Brett Montgomery. Why I don’t see drug reps: a GP’s take on big pharma spruiking, Melissa Sweet and Adam Stankevicius. Do you support the No Ads Please Campaign? It’s a fair question to ask your doctor, say consumer health advocates.

Yahoo news, Tracy Bowden. GPs launch No Advertising Please to push for end to drug companies meeting doctors.

Australian Rural Doctor, Amanda Sheppeard. Rural GPs take the drug rep pledge 

SMH, Lisa Visentin. Names of doctors who accept drug payments to be disclosed under ACCC recommendation.

The Age, Lisa Visentin. [Same article]

MJA Insight, Brian Morton. Faulty pledge.

Australian Doctor, Paul Smith. Q&A with Geoff Spurling and Martin Cross

Australian Doctor, Jo Hartley. Poll: Do you see drug reps?

Oncology News Australia, Martin Tattersall. No Advertising Please: Prescribers need evidence, not marketing.

RACGP Qld Faculty newsletter, Andrew Gunn. Literature review.



No Advertising Please campaign evidence, filmed & edited by Ray Moynihan. With Paul Glasziou, Chris del Mar, Jenny Doust, Geoff Spurling

Justin Coleman GP14 interview, Paul Smith

Pharma media

Medicines Australia, Media release 9 Oct. Ignorance of new treatments would leave patients worse off.

Bio Pharma Dive, Nicole Gray. Australian docs fight to ban meetings between physicians, pharma sales reps.

Fierce Pharma, Carly Helfand. Australian docs launch anti-pharma rep campaign.

Pharma Dispatch, Paul Cross. It’s very hard not to be cynical. (log-in)

Pharma Dispatch, Paul Cross. A new debate begins. (log-in)

Pharmacy News, Chris Brooker. Doctors’ alliance wants to ban drug rep visits. (log-in)

Pharmacy News, Christie Moffatt. Call for drug rep ban patronising and naïve: AMA (log-in)

Pharmacy Daily. Campaign against drs meeting pharma. (pdf, 1.5 MB)

Pharmacy Daily. Rep ban drives best practice.

Abix, Roy Morgan Research. Doctors seek drug ‘education’ ban.

Pharma in Focus. It’s just natural to sell, says anti-rep doc

Pharma in Focus. CHF blames reps for off-labe scripts

Pharma in Focus. Anti rep campaign dangerous: MA

Pharma Dispatch. AMA dismisses ‘NAP’ evidence

Pharma Dispatch. Industry leaders back reps

Policy and Medicine (US). “No Advertising Please”: Australia Campaign to Stop Pharma Rep Access to Healthcare Professionals

Pharma Dispatch. ‘NAP’ campaign disputes AMA attack.


About Dr Justin Coleman

Justin is a GP in Brisbane and Director of Education for GPs in the NT. He edits a medical journal and two medical textbooks, and is a medical writer and educator. Further details at
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1 Response to Media coverage for ‘No Advertising Please’

  1. fnmyalgia says:

    The idea of a learned healthcare professional being led astray by a beguiling sales rep is ludicrous. Just consider the CV’s I’ve posted to your NAP prologue, these are service providers. Acquirer beware is the legal maxim here … but this furore masks the problem that Goldacre & Gotzsche spotlight. The evidence base is dirty, and truths are safely hidden within institutions whilst the Profs make a clean getaway. To some conference or other.


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